Save money and time

Love sauna and dream of your own one, but there is no time or money for building? We offer you a budget analogue - a mobile sauna!

The mobile tent sauna was created for bath procedures in field conditions, but who said you can't put it in your backyard?

Tent saunas MORZH are made of 3-layer synthetic fabric. If the tent is assembled outside under the sun, rain and snow, the maximum that can happen to it is that the color of the awning will become less saturated.

Such fabric does not grow moldy or rot.

Advantages of installing a bath-tent

  • Does not require extensive maintenance. You can periodically wash the tent with a sponge and soapy water. And, having thrown a couple of firewood into the stove, dry it after each use.
  • Installation in 5-10 minutes
  • You can take it with you on a trip. If you are planning a hike, the tent sauna will make the event more comfortable
  • Heating up to 100C in 30 minutes (3-layer Morzh sauna)
  • Does not require a large area for installation

The picture shows a comparison of a stationary sauna, a barrel sauna and a mobile tent sauna: